
Changing Your Time Zone

The time zone for your Instructor Portal should be set automatically based on the location of your school. That time zone will be used for all dates and times displayed in your Instructor Portal and on your students' Assignments page.

Occasionally, there are mistakes in the time zone setting for your school. In that case, you can change the time zone as follows:

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the Instructor Portal and select My Account.
  2. Select the correct time zone from the Time Zone menu. You will see standard North American time zones (Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, etc.) near the top of the drop down menu, and more detailed time zones for special U.S. cases as well as for other countries further down in the drop down menu. Changing the time zone will affect all release and due dates in your SimUTexts.
  3. Click Save Info after making any changes. Note: If you receive an error under the Country field when trying to save, type a two letter country code in that field, such as 'US' for United States. You do not need to fill out any other information in the address section.
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