
Setting Release Dates

If you would like to use the Release Dates feature, complete the following steps in the New Assignment panel when creating your assignments:

  1. In the Dates/Times box, select "Set Release Date for Content" under "Allow Student Access to Content".
  2. Click in the Release Date and Release Time boxes that appear and enter the date and time you would like students to have access to their scores and the correct answers.  If your SimUText has sections with separate due dates, the Release Dates and Times will need to be set individually for each section at the bottom of the assignment box.
  3. If you want to block access to the entire assignment until the Release Date, select "Release Dates Apply to: All Content" if you want the Release Date to apply to all content in the Assignment. If you want to hold just the Graded Questions in the assignment until the Release Date, then select "Release Dates Apply to: Graded Questions".
  4. When you are finished with the rest of the assignment configuration, click the Save button at the bottom of the New Assignment panel.

If you would like to change Release Dates after the assignments have been created:

  1. Navigate to the Assignments page of the Instructor Portal and find the assignment you wish to change.
  2. Click on the Pencil (Edit) button next to the row listing the due date (or dates for sections). Release dates will be displayed as editable. If no Release Date was set when the assignment was created, the date will be the assignment creation date and time.
  3. In the Student Access Column, change the date and time and click “Save."  If your SimUText has sections with separate due dates, the Release Dates and Times will need to be set individually for each section row in the table.
  4. Click in the Release Date and Release Time boxes that appear and enter the date and time you would like students to have access to the material.  If your SimUText has sections with separate due dates, the Release Dates and Times will need to be set individually for each section at the bottom of the assignment box.
  5. Select "All Content" if you want the Release Date to apply to all content in the Assignment. Select "Graded Questions" if you want the Release Date to apply just to the Graded Questions in the Assignment.
  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Assignment.
  7. Repeat these steps for each assignment you would like to have Release Dates.


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