If, after publishing scores, you decide that you want all of your students to be able to continue submitting answers to questions, you can Unpublish Scores as follows:
- Navigate to the Assignments page of the Instructor Portal.
- Click on the Pencil (edit) button in the Publish Scores column of the Assignment box which you would like to change.
- Change the Publish Date to a date in the future.
- Click Save.
- At this point, if you want to publish scores manually, click the Edit button again, and choose "Manually".
- Click Save.
If you only have a few students who need to submit answers after the scores have been published, you can flag their accounts as follows:
- Navigate to the Performance page of the Instructor Portal.
- Click on the Student Detail button for the assignment.
- Select a student from the list of students in the upper left.
- Find the "Full Credit for Late Work?" checkbox in the upper middle of the page and click the check box.
- Click the Save button next to "Full Credit for Late Work?"