
Unpublishing Scores

If, after publishing scores, you decide that you want all of your students to be able to continue submitting answers to questions, you can Unpublish Scores as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Assignments page of the Instructor Portal.
  2. Click on the Pencil (edit) button in the Publish Scores column of the Assignment box which you would like to change.
  3. Change the Publish Date to a date in the future.
  4. Click Save.
  5. At this point, if you want to publish scores manually, click the Edit button again, and choose "Manually".
  6. Click Save.

If you only have a few students who need to submit answers after the scores have been published, you can flag their accounts as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Performance page of the Instructor Portal.
  2. Click on the Student Detail button for the assignment.
  3. Select a student from the list of students in the upper left.
  4. Find the "Full Credit for Late Work?" checkbox in the upper middle of the page and click the check box.
  5. Click the Save button next to "Full Credit for Late Work?"
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