
Adjusting Points for Assignments

Both Graded Questions and Feedback Questions can be counted in the point total for an assignment by the SimUText System. Students receive points for completing the Feedback Questions (regardless of correctness) and for correctly answering the Graded Questions.

The Graded Questions in an assignment, collectively, have a default value of 10 points total, and the Feedback Questions have a default value of 0 points.

To Change the Point Totals for an Assignment:

  1. On the Assignments page in the Instructor Portal, click on the assignment that you want to modify.
  2. Click the Pencil (Edit) button in the Scoring box.
  3. Enter the new point values for the Feedback and/or Graded Questions.
  4. Click Save.

The SimUText System will automatically adjust the point value for each question accordingly.

Be aware that if the due date for this assignment has passed and scores have been published, this will still change the scores students see, which may confuse them.

Our recommendation is that students' scores for an assignment be based on both the completion of all Feedback Questions and on their score on the Graded Questions, to give credit both for making an effort (answering Feedback Questions) and for understanding (correctly answering Graded Questions).

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