
Setting Assignment Points Globally

Your SimUText currently defaults to 10 points for Graded Questions and 0 points for Feedback Questions for each assignment.

Before you create assignments, on the Assignments page of your Instructor Portal, click the Edit (Pencil) button next to "Default Possible Points for All Assignments”. Set a value for points awarded if a student submits answers for all of the Feedback Questions, and for the points awarded if a student answers all of the Graded Questions correctly. Click Save.

If you'd like to change this setting globally for all of your assignments, those already created and those that have yet to be created, you can do so from the Assignments page in the Instructor Portal.

If an assignment does not have Feedback Questions, then points set globally for Feedback Questions will not be awarded for that assignment. The same for Graded Questions.

You can still change an individual assignment's point settings later in the assignment displays below.

Note: If you have already created an assignment, changing the Default Possible Points for your SimUText will overwrite the assignment's current point settings. This can be confusing to your students if they have already submitted answers and you have published their scores.

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