
Adding/Removing/Renaming Course Sections

Click on the Course Sections tab in the Instructor Portal.

If your class is divided into lab or recitation sections, create SimUText sections before students start subscribing. Students will be prompted to select their course section during the registration process, but they easily can be moved between sections later, if needed.

If course sections are not created before students register, then all registered students will be added to the first section you create, and instructors will then need to move students to their correct sections manually. Course sections can be added or removed later if necessary.

Creating sections now will also make it easier to attach co-instructors or TAs to course sections, and create due dates for assignments.

Adding a Course Section

  1. Click the Add Course Section button.
  2. Name your Course Section. Use a name that will be recognizable to students in the course so that they can properly select the section during the registration process.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Continue adding Course Sections until all have been added.
  5. The new course section(s) will automatically be an option when students subscribe to the SimUText. However, if students have already subscribed and need to be moved to a different section, you can do that as explained here.

Renaming a Course Section

  1. If the name of a section needs to be changed, click on the Pencil edit button to the right of the name that needs to be changed.
  2. Enter the new name in the box that opens, and click "Save".

Removing a Course Section

  1. Move the students in the section to another Course Section.
  2. Click the Trash can button next to the Section that you want to remove. This cannot be undone!
  3. All instructors attached to this section are automatically disconnected from the section.
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