
Creating and Naming a New Assignment

You will see all of the Unassigned Content for your SimUText on the left side of the screen. As you create Assignments, the content will move from the Unassigned area to the specific Assignment(s).

  1. Use the Assignment Name text box to give this Assignment a name (maximum 50 characters long).
  2. Click in the boxes next to the Unassigned Content you want included in this Assignment.  Those module sections will appear in the Assignment Content list.  Note that content cannot be changed one an assignment is created. The only way to move content between assignments is to delete the existing assignment and create a new one.
  3. Set the Due Date(s).
  4. Set the Release Date(s). (optional)
  5. Set the Publish Scores date(s). (optional)
  6. Set the possible point totals for the assignment if you want them to be different from the default possible points.
  7. Click Save to create the assignment.
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