
Inviting Students to Subscribe to Your SimUText

  • Before inviting students to subscribe to your SimUText, it is highly recommended that you complete the Setup Checklist.
  • Once you have set up your SimUText, click on the Student Registration tab on the left-hand side of your Instructor Portal.
  • Copy the Student Registration script (the text outlined with light blue dots) and share this information with your students through your learning management system (Moodle, Blackboard, D2L, Canvas, etc.) and/or email.

Important: If you have posted a Student Registration script before for a previous SimUText, you must delete the old post and repost the new Student Registration script as every SimUText has a unique access key that is valid for only one term. We strongly recommend that you deliver the script electronically (rather than on a printed syllabus, for example) as this prevents student transcription errors of the Access Key.

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